Company News

Qingdao Jingrui won the "Industrialization Integration Management System Assessment Certificate"


At the moment of the global "battle", confidence is more important than gold!      

Recently , Qingdao  Elite  successfully  passed  the  assessment  and  won  the 

" Industrialization  and   Industrialization   Integration  Management   System 

Assessment Certificate", injecting a team into the development of Elite"Strong 

Heart Needle".  

The integration of industrialization and industrialization is a high-level and in-depth 

combination   of   informatization   and   industrialization .   Informatization   drives 

industrialization  and  industrialization promotes informatization . Take  a new road  

to industrialization . The informatization  process  and the  industrialization process 

are no longer independent of each other, and are no longer  unilaterally driven and 

promoted .  Rather ,   the two  are  inseparable   from  each  other  at  all  levels  of 

technology, products, and management.

Based on practice ,  Qingdao  Elite has combined  the company’s key  business  in 

accordance with the "Requirements for the Management System of Information and 

Industrialization  Integration " Gradually  realize  the  automation  of the production 

process , the gridization  of management  methods ,  and  further promote the deep 

integration of information technology and the real economy .  period ,The  company  

standardizes the process  management of  the  integration of the two technologies , 

uses information technology as support, transforms and upgrades traditional kinetic 

energy , and  cultivates  new  kinetic energy . Under the leadership of the Integrated 

Management  System Working  Group ,  the  company  successfully  carried  out  the  

certification  of  the  integrated  management  system of the  two  technologies  and  

ensured  standards  Effective implementation of chemical work.


0086-532- 82515557